Kharvein is the second largest population center and one of the major poles of agricultural in Neyshabur and is located 18 km North East of the city of Neyshabur.

Kharvein,is one of the major centers of cultural and humanitarian Neyshabur. Traditional tissue architecture of the city is echelon form, so the city stepped called "Masooleh of Khorasan" also known as the capital plum of Iran And as the largest producer and exporter of plums in the country

: Kharvein area, has natural attractions, historical and cultural numerous , that can be named

...Tomb of Cheshmeh-Ali, Cascade 6 water , park Haj Ghare , Rudmiyan, Robat Ghalee, and

 Every year about 24 thousand tons of plum to be picked from the garden in the city of Neyshabur. First rank is dedicated to Kharvein for plum cultivation and production , And in  terms of horticultural products have a special place in Khorasan Razavi province . Now, from the production and supply of plum, the farmers earned more than 28 billion gross profit in Neyshabur